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DM 520 mower. Proud distributor of Awon equipment, EMM Inc offers a tractor equipment service such as offset brushcutters and offset mowers for superior quality tractors. All our equipment is guaranteed for one year and delivery available throughout Canada in addition. Flail mower / BRUSHCUTTER FMH140. SFM120-160 Flail Mower. Flail mower SFM165-205. SFM240 Flail Mower. DM520 Flail Mower. Brushcutters and mowers designed for the maintenance of roads, green belts, escarpments, embankments, shoulders and ditches. Allows the formation of a natural windrow and mineralization of plant debris. Down tilt angle of up to 45 degrees, perfect for mowing shoulders and slopes.

DM520 is rear mounted, PTO driven flail mower for tractors. power demand 140-180HP.DM has a hydraulically driven, extendable telescopic dipper arm, with which the mower has high work reach of 5200mm.As standard the control of the arm is done with the use of cable control panel, equipped with levers and a joystick.

DM520 is a Super Heavy Duty Mower that can chop heavy brush including grasses, debris, sticks, vines, branches. The head is attached to a mechanical arm allowing you to swing the mower beyond your up to 90 degrees for hedge or hillside work or down 45 degrees for ditch or bank work.It cuts finely and leaves the cuttings on the ground making it an excellent choice for those places where you could cause damage by throwing debris such as Highway mowing and park maintenance as well as Making Handling & Transport Much More Stable & Safer.

Mowing of scarps, embankments, drainage ditches.  Enables rise of the machine when obstacle is met.

Feature high horizontal reach, up to 5850 cm which enables easy  obstacle passing (eg road signs) without changing tractor's  position.

Possibility of working within the inclination of + 90° and -45°.  Owing to the parallelogram arm works perfectly for heavy-duty road  maintenance Assignments.

Suitable for shredding branches of up to 35 mm in diameter.

Tondeuse DM 520. Fier distributeur des équipements Awon, EMM Inc offre un service d’équipement pour tracteur tel que des débroussailleuses déportées et des tondeuses déportées pour tracteurs de qualité supérieure. Tous nos équipements sont garantis un an et la livraison disponible partout au Canada en sus. Tondeuse à Fléaux / DÉBROUSSAILLEUSE FMH140. Tondeuse à Fléaux SFM120-160. Tondeuse à Fléaux SFM165-205. Tondeuse à Fléaux SFM240. Tondeuse à Fléaux DM520. Débroussailleuses et tondeuses conçues pour l’entretien des chaussées, des ceintures vertes, des escarpements, des remblais, des accotements et des fossés. Permettent de former un andain naturel et une minéralisation des chutes végétales. Angle d’inclinaison vers le bas allant jusqu’à 45 degrés, parfait pour tondre les accotements et les pentes.
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